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🤔 What is Success? Failure = Success? 🧐⠀⠀

😔 For some people, success is to land a big job or a top paying job to make tons of money.

😭 To me success meant no failures. EVER! And if I failed then I’m not meant to succeed. And this was literally the sh*ttest way to look at life!! ⠀

😌 So here I am to tell you that failures is the path to success. It took me 6 months after graduation to land my dream job. I got rejected from “top notch” hospitals like Stanford, UCSF, and UC Davis. I felt like because I didn’t land these “brand names” that I will never be capable. And I cried so much thinking I’ll never reach success. I failed for the first time and didn’t pass my RNC-NIC on the first try. I blamed myself for not being a capable NICU nurse and that I wasn’t meant to be one. ⠀

👏🏻 STOP. PUTTING. YOURSELF. DOWN. I got back up on my feet and kept pushing through. 6 months after graduation I got the opportunity to work in my dream unit. I met the most amazing people and learned so much. And 4 years later, I am the happiest I’ve ever been with my career. I took out my textbooks again and studied. Focused so hard and took the test again and passed. I am now Tiffany BSN, RN, RNC-NIC. ⠀

🤔 So what is success to me now? Success is happiness. With my job and my life. To wake up every day and go to work excited for what’s to come. To have people that love and support me and want to see me succeed and be happy. To be able to travel the world. To find passions in life that I truly enjoy doing for myself. To educate and be a mentor. To spend time and be with loved ones. To be able to give back to my parents. ⠀

🥰 Thank you for allowing me to create this platform to share my experiences. It truly means a lot to me that these tips and advice can help you in your life somehow. And trust me, I am far from a perfect person. But I think the experiences and knowledge we can share with others is so important. And that “success” can be achieved for everyone. There are people out there that love and support you and want to see you succeed!! Me being one of them 💗

❓ What does success mean to you?


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