😥 So I’ve been very open with you guys about my journey as a nurse and all the struggles it took me to get to where I am now. ⠀⠀
😔 4 years ago I left my family for my dream job. Being the oldest and from an asian family, being selfish for my dream was always a difficult thing to consider and I felt extremely guilty doing so. 4 years later, I look back on that journey and I still don’t ever regret taking that leap of faith. And now it’s time to start a new chapter in my life. ⠀⠀
😥 This pandemic has made me consider a lot of things. I am grateful to have a stable job that makes me happy to wake up to, supportive family and friends, and to be healthy. And for the longest time I always felt like I had to sacrifice something, and that it was impossible to have it all. I always felt a part of me missing but I finally have it now. Remember: you only have one life to live. Spend time with loved ones and do what makes you happy. Life is so short to worry about what others think!! Go out there and chase your passions 💕 ⠀
🤗 Check out my new video where I discuss in further detail my new journey! Thank you for following me on my journey so far and hoping you guys follow me on my next 💕