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🌸 Self Care For Nurses 🌸


👩 As a night shift nurse, I definitely have issues with trying to balance work, life, and having quality care for myself. ⠀

✨ I think it is necessary to be able to take time for yourself and do things that make you happy. Whether that is just chilling all day on the couch and doing nothing but binge watching shows on Netflix (100% guilty of doing this all the time on my days off) 😆 or doing a hobby you enjoy. ⠀

💕 School and/or working can be extremely stressful and the body just needs days to recuperate and rest. So don’t feel guilty if you don’t feel productive or if you feel like you aren’t doing anything important and useful. You deserve it. ⠀

🤔 What do you guys do for self care??


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