🗓 Nursing work schedules can be so different depending on where you work and your speciality. ⠀
⏰ If you want a more balanced work life and be “normal” you can work in clinics/units that are M-F 9-5 no weekends and no holidays. Management, administration, nurse educators, school nurses, etc fall under this category. ⠀
🧭 Typical nursing schedules can be 8 hour or 12 hour shifts. If you work 8 hours, you can work AMs (7am-3pm), PMs (3-11pm), or NOCs (11pm-7am). If you work 12 hour shifts it’s split between days (7am-7pm) and nights (7pm-7am). ⠀
📅 For 8 hour shifts you can work a .10 (5 shifts a week), .8 (4 shifts a week), .6 (3 shifts a week), .4 (2 shifts a week). For 12 hour shifts you can work .9 (3 shifts a week), .6 (2 shifts a week). ⠀
📆 Some have alternating weekend requirements or some require you to do at least a minimum number of weekends a schedule period (typically every 4 weeks). And you will have holiday requirements as well. ⠀
🗓 Some hospitals have self scheduling where you put in your own schedules or some have schedulers who make your schedules for you. ⠀
❓ What schedule are you interested in/do you prefer?