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💗 Getting Through It 💗⠀⠀

➡️ There was multiple times in nursing school where I would have mental breakdowns and question whether or not this was worth the struggle. ⠀

😔 I even considered quitting and switching majors. And I don’t know if you do this, but I am my biggest critic. When I don’t reach the milestones and goals at a certain time frame, I feel angry and internally punish myself. ⠀

🥺 Try your best to push yourself out of that mindset and create a better mental state for yourself. The more I did it, the more I realized how unhealthy it was becoming.⠀

💕 Be grateful for where you are now and the privilege to be given the opportunity and being able to find your passion/purpose. And to all the people that have supported you or even doubted you, prove to them that you are strong! You will get through this and it’ll be worth it. ⠀

🤔 Who are your biggest supporters? Or what motivates you to keep going?


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