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🥺 Will I Ever Get There? 😭⠀⠀


😔 I remember starting out, I would look at all the senior nurses and wish that one day I can be just like them and at least know what I’m doing. ⠀

☹️ And now with training new grad nurses and new hires, they tell me exactly the same thing. Like “how long will it take me to get comfortable?” “I want to be just like you.” “How do you know so much?” “Why is this so difficult for me?” “Will I ever fully get it?” “I’m scared to mess up.” ⠀

✋🏻I just want to pat every single new grad nurse out there that feels doubtful and scared of the unknown, that you will definitely get there!! Time and patience is so key and trust me, you can’t rush that. ⠀

🗣 So instead of feeling doubtful and filling yourself with these negative thoughts, think of it more like this. “I am grateful for my experiences today.” “I will make an effort to learn something new today.” “I did a great job today.” “I tried my best.” ⠀

💪🏻 You are learning every single day! And you will look back at all your accomplishments and your growth journey and realize that all that doubt and self-destruction is so unnecessary! We all have a learning point in our lives. Even with experience, there is still so much to learn. Make it an effort to open your mind to new opportunities and absorb as much information as you can from your surroundings. ⠀

❓What are some things that makes you nervous about starting out and being a new grad?


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