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šŸ˜– Toxic Workplaces šŸ˜¤ā €ā €


šŸ˜” I graduated nursing school and moved to a city I had no clue about, didnā€™t know a single soul, and left my entire family behind. I was afraid of what was coming for me and the fear of ā€œnurses eating their youngā€ was definitely on the back of my mind.ā €

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šŸ˜£ As a new grad, I had no skills or experiences. Yes, I did have nicu experience during my senior preceptorship, but that experience is completely different now. I am under my own license and making judgment calls all on my own. No one is there right beside me to hold my hand every step of the way. ā €

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šŸ¤— BUT I am extremely lucky to be able to work at places that has truly made my experiences worthwhile. For the past 4 years, I have yet to come across a situation where a staff member hasnā€™t come to the rescue and saved me when I was drowning. ā €

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ā¤ļø I havenā€™t experienced a situation where I was belitted and ridiculed in front of others. I have also not experienced older or more senior nurses want or just watched me drown. The fact that this behavior exists truly mind boggles me. ā €

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šŸ‘šŸ» Your workplace definitely makes or breaks it. And if you are in a toxic environment where people arenā€™t supportive and encouraging of your growth, and willing to lend a hand, then get the F out!! ā €

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šŸ¤ No amount of money in this world is worth hating my job. My passion for nursing was always to help others, teach, and give back. I cannot pursue that if I have others throwing rocks on my back. ā €

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šŸ™ŒšŸ¼ Know your worth and how you deserve to be treated in a workplace. I am here to tell you that there are places out there that you will love. Donā€™t stop until you find it! šŸ„°ā €

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ā–¶ļø Watch my YouTube video ā€œDo Nurses Eat Their Young?ā€ on my channel where I discuss more in detail my thoughts and experiences.


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