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🤝 Interview Tips 📄⠀⠀


🤗 Confidence is so key!! Stand up straight and make sure to greet everyone you meet. Eye contact is so important and make sure you are engage with your interviewer with your body language. ⠀

😊 Make it feel like a conversation but try not to get too comfortable. It’s so important to be yourself but try not to go off on a tangent and remember to stay focus on the question they’re asking. ⠀

🤔 How much should you share? And is it possible to overshare? Interviews can be tricky cause you want to spill as much info about yourself as possible in so little time and you can risk over sharing within the first few minutes. Mention key topics about yourself and give your interviewer a chance to ask more in depth questions to dive deeper. ⠀

😁 Be prepared! Bring extra copies of resumes and portfolios. Practice your responses beforehand and come up with a list of questions to ask your interviewers at the end. Some may include: what are some opportunities to grow further in the unit/clinical ladder advancement? What is the unit culture like? Committees? What are typical patient assignments? Training process? ⠀

❓What other interview tips do you have?


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