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👩🏻‍⚕️ Role of The Nurse During Intubation 🧑🏻‍⚕️⠀⠀


🩺 Assess your patient and the need for increased respiratory support. Assess your airway and make sure it’s appropriate to intubate and have the correct size equipment and ETT tube. Have everything set up and ready to go! ⠀

🗣Discuss with the provider and RT what type of oxygen support the patient will be going on and make sure the machine is ready and prepped at bedside. ⠀

💊 Give proper sedation and pain management medication prior to intubation. Preferably at least 10 minutes before the procedure. ⠀

👶🏻 Position and hold your patient appropriately. It’s best to bundle your patient tightly and keep the head straight. The top of the head should be facing the RT, MD, or NP and the feet should be facing the RN. ⠀

🩺 Once the ETT tube is in place, listen for bilateral breath sounds and assess for chest rise and check with your CO2 detector to make sure it’s in proper placement. ⠀

✋🏻 Assist with taping the tube securely and calling for an X-ray to check ETT tube placement. Obtain a blood gas 30 min - hour after intubation to make sure the patient is tolerating the settings. ⠀

❓Anyone assisted in an intubation?

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