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👶🏻 Non Pharmacological Infant Soothing Techniques 👶🏻 ⠀⠀


👶 Always assess and check infant cues. If the baby is putting their hands to the face and rooting, then most likely the baby is hungry. ⠀

👶🏼 Pacifiers are a common soothing device we use in the NICU to help console our babies especially during painful procedures. ⠀

👶🏽 Always check for a dirty diaper. One of the first things I check for when I have a crying baby is to see if there is a soiled diaper. ⠀

👶🏾 Holding and swaddling. Swaddle the baby so that they are contained. Arms and legs flailing around can aggravate the baby. The containment helps them to settle down. Holding and gentle rocking is an appropriate way to soothe. ⠀

👶🏿 Swings are appropriate devices we use to console the baby. Make sure that they are strapped in appropriately. Test the device first before placing the baby in and always monitor.

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