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👩🏻‍🎓 Landing That New Grad RN Job Tips 👩🏻‍⚕️ ⠀⠀

➡️ Everyone talks about networking. And it is so important to gain those connections! So make sure to introduce yourself to everyone on the unit during your clinical rotations/ preceptorship/volunteer service and make a good impression. ⠀

➡️ Ask for references! Ask your clinical instructor/preceptor/professor for a reference AFTER the semester is over. It’s better to ask for it while your face and name is still fresh in their minds, then waiting until senior year. They probably have so many other students that they probably will forget. ⠀

➡️ Grades are important but not a defining factor. Remember, everyone comes out of nursing school as a student. Do something that makes you stand out! So volunteer, work study, and/or tutor. ⠀

➡️ ALWAYS carry a notebook to clinicals and get in the habit of writing notes at the end of your shift. Interviewers will always ask situational questions and so it’s best to make notes so that you have actual clinical examples to refer to. ⠀

➡️ Have a solid resume! Check out my resume tips on my channel on getting though the computer system to an actual recruiter and making sure to have the necessary KEYWORDS!

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