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🩺 Does It Matter What Nursing School I Go To? 👩🏻‍🎓⠀⠀


🤔 Does getting into a top name or “brand” name school matter? Do employers see which nursing school you go to and decide from there whether to hire you or not? ⠀

👏🏻 Let me tell you, I don’t think I was ever asked in my new grad RN interviews what nursing school I went to. Like yes they can see it on my resume. But is it a defining factor? It most definitely is not. ⠀

😊 People go to different schools for different reasons. Whether it’s closer to home, more affordable, other family members went there, higher graduation/nclex pass rate, second degree, accelerated programs, etc. Everyone’s circumstances are so different. And I have so many coworkers that have come from different educational backgrounds and yet we are all working in the same place. ⠀

😌 What I can’t stress enough is “everyone comes out of nursing school as a student.” So it really doesn’t matter what school you go to. What makes you different and stand out above all the hundreds of new graduating nurses every single year is your experiences. ⠀

👍🏻 So like I have mentioned before, volunteer, work study, tutor, join clubs, etc. And gain those leadership and community outreach experiences that you can use as examples to answer new grad RN interviews!! And if you want to specialize, try doing your senior preceptorship in the unit you wish to work in. That is easily your ticket in to gain the necessary “work” experiences for that unit. ⠀

❓ What nursing school did you go to/are going to and what was your reasoning for going there?


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