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👶🏻 Advice From A NICU Nurse 👶🏻⠀

✨ NICU is highly specialized. You will be taught all you know during orientation and gain more knowledge with more experience.

😞 NICU can have its ups and downs. It’s not always Disneyland and the truth of the matter is there isn’t always a happy ending. But these babies need you to be their advocate since they don’t have a voice. Speak up!! ⠀

🤔 ALWAYS question everything. If anything seems off, weird, or suspicious that you didn’t notice on your baby: report it! Babies can have subtle changes that can lead to drastic events. Early prevention and a questioning attitude is so necessary. ⠀

❤️Put yourself out there and take every learning opportunity. Talk to your charge nurse or manager if you can gain more experience. Ex: “I haven’t had a trach patient or I haven’t had a chest tube patient.” Make those requests or they’ll never know!! Speak up for yourself!

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